Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Adv Qualitative Educ Research |
EDUC583 |
Course |
Ako 1: Ngā Anga—Care and education frameworks and pedagogies |
TCHG103 |
Course |
Ako 2: Te Tirohanga Whānui - Approaches to EC curriculum, assessment and planning |
TCHG220 |
Course |
Ako 5: Te Aro—Professional and inquiry-based ECCE practice |
TCHG309 |
Course |
Ako: Relational curriculum |
TCHG317 |
Course |
Akopai: Professional Practice 1 |
TCHG315 |
Course |
Akopai: Professional Practice 2 |
TCHG316 |
Course |
App Behav Analysis for Educ |
EPSY515 |
Course |
Applied Research Project |
EPSY516 |
Course |
Applied Research Project |
EPSY533 |
Course |
Arts, HE, PE and Learning Lang |
TCHG323 |
Course |
Assess for Learn in EC Context |
TCHG324 |
Course |
Assessment Theory and practice |
EDUC543 |
Course |
Assessment Theory and practice |
EDUC443 |
Course |
Becoming a Skilled Prof |
TCHG306 |
Course |
Being a Professional EC Teach |
TCHG362 |
Course |
Building Authentic Relations |
TCHG117 |
Course |
Challenges and Opportunities |
TCHG501 |
Course |
Child + Adolescent Development |
EDUC244 |
Course |
Child+Adolescent Mental Health |
EPSY532 |
Course |
Child+Adolescent Mental Health |
EDUC432 |
Course |
Contemporary Education Policy |
EDUC412 |
Course |
Contemporary Education Policy |
EDUC511 |
Course |
Critical Pedagogies of Place |
EDUC539 |
Course |
Critical Pedagogies of Place |
EDUC439 |
Course |
Critical study of a professional issue |
EDUC601 |
Course |
Critiquing Curriculum |
TCHG515 |
Course |
Culturally Centrd Ed Psyc Prac |
EPSY512 |
Course |
Culturally responsive ldrshp |
MSSL507 |
Course |
Curriculum: Theory, Research and Practice |
EDUC522 |
Course |
Curriculum:Research + Practice |
EDUC422 |
Course |
Design of Prof Development |
EDUC569 |
Course |
Design of Prof Development |
EDUC469 |
Course |
Developg Prof Partnerships ECE |
TCHG214 |
Course |
Developing Leadership Capacity |
MSSL501 |
Course |
Developmental Disabilities |
EDUC424 |
Course |
Developmental Disabilities |
EDUC524 |
Course |
Directed individual study |
EDUC581 |
Course |
Directed Individual Study |
EDUC584 |
Course |
Discovery of Early Childhood |
EDUC115 |
Course |
Dissertation |
EDUC585 |
Course |
Early Childhood Curriculum |
TCHG360 |
Course |
Early Develop and Relationship |
TCHG305 |
Course |
EC Teaching and Pedagogy |
TCHG311 |
Course |
ECE Pedagogy |
TCHG365 |
Course |
Educ Psych Assessment |
EPSY514 |
Course |
Education for PhD |
EDUC690 |
Course |
Education for Sustainability in Aotearoa New Zealand |
EDUC526 |
Course |
Education for the Pacific |
EDUC525 |
Course |
Education for the Pacific |
EDUC438 |
Course |
Education, Development and Change in Aotearoa |
EDUC520 |
Course |
Education, Ethnicity, Culture |
EDUC223 |
Course |
Education, Society and Culture |
EDUC101 |
Course |
Education, Society and Culture |
EDUC222 |
Course |
Educational Leadership |
EDUC453 |
Course |
Educational Leadership |
EDUC553 |
Course |
Educn, Development and Change |
EDUC420 |
Course |
Engagement and community |
EDUC523 |
Course |
Engagement and community |
EDUC423 |
Course |
Engaging Learners in Society |
TCHG234 |
Course |
English and Mathematics 1 |
TCHG520 |
Course |
English and Mathematics 2 |
TCHG523 |
Course |
English Curriculum Study |
TCHG372 |
Course |
English Curriculum Study 1 |
TCHG330 |
Course |
English Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG331 |
Course |
English Literacy and EAL |
TCHG320 |
Course |
Enhancing Access in the Sec Cu |
TCHG358 |
Course |
Enhancing Learning |
TCHG512 |
Course |
Ethics of Educational Neuroscience |
EDUC311 |
Course |
Evaluating Effectiveness-Pri |
TCHG525 |
Course |
Evaluating Effectiveness-Sec |
TCHG516 |
Course |
Evaluating Teaching |
TCHG514 |
Course |
Evaluation in education |
EDUC444 |
Course |
Evaluation in education |
EDUC544 |
Course |
Evidence-Based Practice |
EPSY530 |
Course |
Evidence-based Practice |
TCHG504 |
Course |
Evidence-based Practice-Pri |
TCHG522 |
Course |
Evidence-based Practice-Sec |
TCHG513 |
Course |
Exceptional Learners: Spec Ed |
EDUC342 |
Course |
Exploration of Counselling Isu |
EPSY535 |
Course |
Extending Gifted Students |
TCHG359 |
Course |
Facilitating Curriculum |
TCHG216 |
Course |
Framing research in professional contexts |
EDUC602 |
Course |
Gender + Women's Stud for PhD |
GEND690 |
Course |
Health Curriculum Study 1 |
TCHG354 |
Course |
Health Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG355 |
Course |
Human Development and Learning |
EDUC141 |
Course |
Implementation Project |
MSSL509 |
Course |
Indigenous Education |
EDUC323 |
Course |
Infants, Toddlers + Families |
TCHG114 |
Course |
International Education: Issues and trends in policy, theory and practice |
EDUC504 |
Course |
Intro to ECE Teaching Professn |
TCHG116 |
Course |
Investigating Ped Practices |
TCHG363 |
Course |
Issues in EC Care + Educ |
EDUC433 |
Course |
Issues in EC Care + Educ |
EDUC533 |
Course |
Leading evidence-based prac |
MSSL506 |
Course |
Leading learning and teaching |
MSSL503 |
Course |
Learn Lang Curriculum Study 1 |
TCHG336 |
Course |
Learn Lang Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG337 |
Course |
Learner at Centre of Teaching |
TCHG202 |
Course |
Learning and Motivation |
EDUC559 |
Course |
Learning and Motivation |
EPSY531 |
Course |
Learning and Motivation |
EDUC459 |
Course |
Learning and Motivation |
EDUC243 |
Course |
Learning Environments |
EDUC341 |
Course |
Learning Languages |
TCHG135 |
Course |
Learning Languages Curr Study |
TCHG373 |
Course |
Learning Together |
TCHG364 |
Course |
Literacy |
TCHG231 |
Course |
Literacy+ Literacy Acquisition |
EDUC475 |
Course |
Literacy+Literacy Acquisition |
EDUC575 |
Course |
Managing the Org/Systems |
MSSL504 |
Course |
Marautanga Maori o Aotearoa |
TCHG307 |
Course |
Matauranga Maori |
TCHG503 |
Course |
Matauranga Maori in Education |
TCHG303 |
Course |
Maths + Stats Curr Study 1 |
TCHG338 |
Course |
Maths + Stats Curr Study 2 |
TCHG339 |
Course |
Maths + Stats Curriculum Study |
TCHG374 |
Course |
Maths and Stats in Education |
TCHG321 |
Course |
Maths Teaching and Learning |
EDUC537 |
Course |
Mentoring and Coaching |
EDUC406 |
Course |
Mentoring and Coaching |
EDUC538 |
Course |
Motivating Students |
EPSY233 |
Course |
Motivating Students |
TCHG203 |
Course |
Motivation and Grit |
EDUC117 |
Course |
Multi-ethnic Education |
EDUC322 |
Course |
Music Curriculum Study |
TCHG375 |
Course |
Music Curriculum Study 1 |
TCHG340 |
Course |
Music Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG341 |
Course |
Musical + Physical Child |
TCHG212 |
Course |
Ngā Amo: Primary Learning Design 1 |
TCHG507 |
Course |
Ngā Amo: Primary learning design 2 |
TCHG508 |
Course |
Ngā Amo: Primary learning design 3 |
TCHG509 |
Course |
Ngā Amo: Primary learning design 4 |
TCHG517 |
Course |
Ngā Maihi: Secondary learning design 1 |
TCHG526 |
Course |
Ngā Maihi: Secondary learning design 2 |
TCHG527 |
Course |
Notions of Wellbeing + Belong |
TCHG112 |
Course |
Numeracy |
TCHG232 |
Course |
Pacific Nations Education |
EDUC224 |
Course |
Partnerships and networks |
MSSL505 |
Course |
PE Curriculum Study 1 |
TCHG356 |
Course |
PE Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG357 |
Course |
Perf Arts Curriculum Study 1 |
TCHG342 |
Course |
Perf Arts Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG343 |
Course |
Performing Arts Curr Study 1 |
TCHG236 |
Course |
Performing Arts Curr Study 2 |
TCHG376 |
Course |
Planning for Diversity |
TCHG217 |
Course |
Positive Learning Environments |
TCHG502 |
Course |
Prof EC Teaching Portfolio |
TCHG366 |
Course |
Prof Practice (Community) |
EPSY520 |
Course |
Prof Practice (Educational) |
EPSY519 |
Course |
Prof Responsibilities in ECE |
TCHG361 |
Course |
Professional Identity |
EPSY518 |
Course |
Professional Inquiry |
EDUC436 |
Course |
Professional Inquiry |
EDUC536 |
Course |
Professional Practice Thesis |
EPSY593 |
Course |
Promoting Positive Behaviour |
EPSY534 |
Course |
Promoting Positive Behaviours |
EPSY434 |
Course |
Quantitative Educ Research |
EDUC582 |
Course |
Research as Praxis |
EDUC440 |
Course |
Research as Praxis: Indigenous perspectives |
EDUC540 |
Course |
Research Methods in Education |
EDUC503 |
Course |
Research Methods in Education |
EDUC403 |
Course |
Research Paper in Education |
EDUC489 |
Course |
Research Paper in Education |
EPSY489 |
Course |
Research Project |
EDUC589 |
Course |
Research Project |
MSSL508 |
Course |
Research Proposal |
EDUC604 |
Course |
Science and the NZ Curriculum |
TCHG521 |
Course |
Science Curriculum Study |
TCHG377 |
Course |
Science Curriculum Study 1 |
TCHG344 |
Course |
Science Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG345 |
Course |
Science, Maths and Technology |
TCHG314 |
Course |
Science, Soc Sci and Tech |
TCHG322 |
Course |
Shaping the Future |
MSSL502 |
Course |
Soc Science Curriculum Study 1 |
TCHG346 |
Course |
Soc Science Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG347 |
Course |
Social + Emotional Development |
EDUC418 |
Course |
Social and Emotional Development |
EDUC518 |
Course |
Social Sciences Curr Study |
TCHG378 |
Course |
Special Topic |
EDUC563 |
Course |
Special Topic |
EDUC464 |
Course |
Special Topic |
EDUC564 |
Course |
Special Topic |
EDUC389 |
Course |
Special Topic |
EDUC565 |
Course |
Special Topic |
EDUC463 |
Course |
Special Topic |
EDUC465 |
Course |
Special Topic: Neuroscience of Psychological Disorders |
EPSY563 |
Course |
Specialist Assess and Interv |
EPSY517 |
Course |
Specialist Subject 1 |
TCHG510 |
Course |
ST: High Achieving Learners |
EDUC562 |
Course |
ST: High Achieving Learners |
EDUC462 |
Course |
ST: International Education |
EDUC460 |
Course |
ST: International Education |
EDUC560 |
Course |
ST: Place, Space and Identity |
EDUC566 |
Course |
ST: Place, Space and Identity. |
EDUC466 |
Course |
ST:Advoc for Chdn + Young Peop |
EDUC461 |
Course |
ST:Advoc for Chdn + Young Peop |
EDUC561 |
Course |
Synthesising Learning |
TCHG524 |
Course |
Tchg and Lrng in a Digital Age |
EDUC407 |
Course |
Tchg and Lrng in a Digital Age |
EDUC509 |
Course |
Te Ao Hurihuri 1: Te Tiriti—History and transformative education |
EDUC102 |
Course |
Te Ao Hurihuri 3: Ngā Ariā—Theories of growth and learning in context |
EDUC104 |
Course |
Te Ao Maori |
TCHG118 |
Course |
Te Ao Maori II |
TCHG218 |
Course |
Te Ao Maori III |
TCHG368 |
Course |
Te Kahu o te Ao: Primary learning design 1 |
TCHG325 |
Course |
Te Kahu o te Ao: Primary learning design 2 |
TCHG326 |
Course |
Te Kahu o te Ao: Primary learning design 3 |
TCHG327 |
Course |
Te Kahu o te Ao: Primary learning design 4 |
TCHG328 |
Course |
Te Koruru: Professional Practice 1 |
TCHG505 |
Course |
Te Koruru: Professional Practice 2 |
TCHG506 |
Course |
Te Puna Aronui: Secondary learning design for single subject specialists 2 |
TCHG381-532 |
Course |
Te Puna Matahiko: Secondary learning design 2 |
TCHG332 |
Course |
Te Puna o te ki: Exploring the 100 languages of children |
TCHG318 |
Course |
Te Puna Whai Wāhi ki te Ao: Secondary learning design 3 |
TCHG333 |
Course |
Te Puna Whakaako: Secondary learning design 1 |
TCHG329 |
Course |
Te Reo Māori 1: Hei Whaiora |
TCHG102 |
Course |
Te Whaariki |
TCHG111 |
Course |
Teachers as Lifelong Learners |
TCHG310 |
Course |
Teaching &Learning for Success |
EPSY231 |
Course |
Teaching +Learning for Success |
TCHG201 |
Course |
Teaching and Technology |
EPLO133 |
Course |
Teaching Curriculum 2 |
TCHG511 |
Course |
Teaching Diverse Learners |
EDUC515 |
Course |
Teaching Diverse Learners |
EDUC415 |
Course |
Teaching English |
TCHG370 |
Course |
Teaching Mathematics |
TCHG371 |
Course |
Teaching Models and Strategies |
TCHG304 |
Course |
Teaching Science |
TCHG233 |
Course |
Teaching Science |
EPOL233 |
Course |
Teaching Technology |
TCHG133 |
Course |
Teaching the Arts |
TCHG132 |
Course |
Teaching the Arts |
EPOL132 |
Course |
Teaching: What's it all About |
EPSY131 |
Course |
Technology Curriculum Study 1 |
TCHG348 |
Course |
Technology Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG349 |
Course |
The Early Years Debate |
EDUC215 |
Course |
The Inquiring Child |
TCHG213 |
Course |
The Language of the Classroom |
EDUC416 |
Course |
The Language of the Classroom |
EDUC516 |
Course |
The Learner in Context |
TCHG301 |
Course |
The Multi-Literate Child |
TCHG211 |
Course |
The Multi-literate Child |
TCHG312 |
Course |
The Politics of Education |
EDUC321 |
Course |
The Teacher in Context |
TCHG302 |
Course |
Thesis |
EDUC590 |
Course |
Thesis |
EDUC591 |
Course |
Tātaimarau 1: Te Whāriki |
TCHG104 |
Course |
Understanding Behaviour |
EPSY142 |
Course |
Understanding Young Children |
EDUC116 |
Course |
Visual Arts Curriculum Study |
TCHG350 |
Course |
Visual Arts Curriculum Study 2 |
TCHG351 |
Course |
Youth and Life Challenges |
EDUC343 |
Course |
Youth, Society and Education |
EDUC221 |
Course |