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Advanced Furniture Design SARC412 Course
Advanced Psychology and Behaviour in the Built Environment / He Āta Wānanga i te Mātai Hinengaro me te Whanonga i ngā Whare Hangahanga SARC488 Course
Arch Design Integration ARCI212 Course
Arch Design Integration ARCI312 Course
Arch Hist and Theory for PHD AHTY690 Course
Architecture Design ARCI211 Course
Architecture Design ARCI311 Course
Architecture Design Capstone Project / Te Tikanga-Tūtohu o Te Whakarākei Whare ARCI412 Course
Architecture Design Research ARCI411 Course
Architecture for PhD ARCH690 Course
Architecture Research Portfolio ARCI593 Course
Architecture Research Thesis ARCI592 Course
Architecture Research Thesis ARCI591 Course
Architecture Theory + Criticism ARCI451 Course
Architecture Thesis ARCH591 Course
Bldng Materials + Construction SARC221 Course
Buildg Proj Mgmt Cost Planning BILD262 Course
Buildg Science Research Thesis BILD591 Course
Building Code Compliance BILD364 Course
Building Code Compliance SARC464 Course
Building Heritage Conservation SARC252 Course
Building Project Management BILD461 Course
Building Project Management / Te Mahi Whakahaere o ngā Hanga Whare BILD460 Course
Building Science for PhD BILD690 Course
Building Science for PhD BBSC690 Course
Buildings and Energy BILD423 Course
Buildng Project Mgmt Economics BILD261 Course
Built Facility Management BILD463 Course
Colour, Pattern, Light SARC323 Course
Communication SARC261 Course
Construction SARC321 Course
Construction Law BILD362 Course
Design Communication SARC162 Course
Design Processes SARC112 Course
Digital Design Methodologies SARC462 Course
Digital Representation SARC463 Course
Digital Representation SARC363 Course
Drawing + Modelling for Int Arch INTA261 Course
Environment and Behaviour SARC233 Course
Environmtal Engineering System BILD231 Course
Fire Safety Design SARC224 Course
Furniture Design SARC312 Course
Furniture Design SARC212 Course
Future of Project Management / Te Mahi Whakahaere ā Mua BILD452 Course
Green Building Assessment BILD431 Course
History + Theory Architecture ARCI251 Course
History Interior Architecture INTA251 Course
History of Building Technology BILD251 Course
History of City in Landscape SARC452 Course
House and Home SARC455 Course
Human Environmental Science SARC223 Course
Imagining Decolonised Cities/ Ora Kāinga Rua SARC315 Course
Independent Study SARC387 Course
Integrated Technologies BILD421 Course
Integrated Technologies ARCI421 Course
Integrated Technologies INTA421 Course
Integration Project BILD411 Course
Interior Arch Design Integratn INTA212 Course
Interior Arch Design Integratn INTA312 Course
Interior Arch Design Research INTA412 Course
Interior Arch Research Thesis INTA592 Course
Interior Arch Research Thesis INTA591 Course
Interior Architecture Design INTA211 Course
Interior Architecture Design INTA411 Course
Interior Architecture Design INTA311 Course
Interior Architecture for PhD INTA690 Course
Interior Architecture Research Portfolio INTA593 Course
Interior Fit-Out Technologies INTA321 Course
Interior Heritage Conservation SARC454 Course
Interior Heritage Conservation SARC354 Course
International Field Study SARC371 Course
International Field Study SARC471 Course
Intro to Practice + Management SARC362 Course
Introduction to Applied Physic SARC122 Course
Introduction to Built Environm SARC121 Course
Introduction to Design History SARC161 Course
Introduction to design history and theory SARC151 Course
Introduction to Design Process SARC111 Course
Introduction to Sustainability SARC131 Course
Landscape Arch Communication LAND261 Course
Landscape Arch Construction LAND321 Course
Landscape Arch Desgn Integratn LAND212 Course
Landscape Arch Desgn Integratn LAND312 Course
Landscape Arch History + Theory LAND251 Course
Landscape Arch Sites + Systems LAND221 Course
Landscape Architecture Appln LAND222 Course
Landscape Architecture Design LAND311 Course
Landscape Architecture Design LAND211 Course
Landscape Architecture for PhD LAND690 Course
Landscape Architecture Research Portfolio LAND593 Course
Landscape Architecure Design LAND411 Course
Landscpe Arch Design Research LAND412 Course
Landscpe Arch Research Thesis LAND591 Course
Landscpe Arch Research Thesis LAND592 Course
Landscpe Arch Theory + Crit LAND451 Course
Mātauranga and Environments I SARC216 Course
Mātauranga and Environments II SARC313 Course
Pacific Design Environments SARC352 Course
Planning Practice / Te Mahi Kaupapa Here PLAN455 Course
Prison Architecture: Buildings, Policy and Representation / Ngā Mahi Waihanga Whare Herehere SARC302 Course
Professional Practice SARC461 Course
Project Management BILD361 Course
Project Management in Digital Environment / Ngā Kaupapa Whakahaere o te Ao Hangarau BILD451 Course
Psychology and Behaviour in the Built Environment / Te Mātai Hinengaro me te Whanonga i ngā Whare Hangahanga SARC388 Course
Research Methodologies SARC491 Course
SARC485 Directed Individual Study SARC485 Course
Seeing Architecture through Photography / Te Kitenga o te Hoahoa Whare mā te Whakaahua SARC214 Course
Special Topic: Advanced Art and Landscape Aotearoa SARC483 Course
Special Topic: Art and Landscape Aotearoa SARC383 Course
Special Topic: Design Thinking Business SARC384 Course
Special Topic: Design Thinking Business SARC484 Course
ST: Co-spaces SARC487 Course
ST: Co-spaces SARC386 Course
ST: Environmental Science SARC281 Course
ST: Pro Practice + Negotiation SARC482 Course
ST: Project Advance Portfolio SARC486 Course
ST:Building Science Internship SARC481 Course
ST:Digital Design Meth SARC382 Course
Structural Systems SARC222 Course
Structural Systems for Architecture /  Te Whakamahinga o nga Rauemi mo Hoahoanga ARCI222 Course
Structures BILD322 Course
Sustainable + Regeneratve Desn BILD331 Course
Sustainable Architecture BILD232 Course
Sustainable Eng Systems Design BILD321 Course
Sustainable Engineer'g Systems BILD422 Course
Sustainable Engineering SSEG690 Course
Theory + Crit in Interior Arch INTA451 Course
Urban Design Theory + Practice SARC351 Course
Urban Planning Design Studio / Whakamahere Tāone Taupuni Hoahoa PLAN411 Course
Urban Technologies LAND421 Course

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