Task-based language teaching (TBLT) has been extensively theorized and researched in recent decades and widely adopted in language teaching and learning internationally. Drawing on theoretical and classroom perspectives, this course explores task-based course design, teaching and assessment. It considers the practicalities of adopting TBLT in contexts familiar to teachers on the course.

Lists linked to Task-Based Language Teaching

Title Sort by title Trimester Last updated Sort by last updated
LALS 529 Trimester 3 2021/2022 Ended 19/02/2022 06/11/2021 03:28:43
LALS 529 Trimester 3 2022-2023 Ended 20/02/2023 03/10/2022 05:59:43
LALS 529 Trimester 3 2024/2025 Ended 16/02/2025 12/01/2025 02:54:10